segunda-feira, 18 de outubro de 2010

Pug Dog Information

  • Black: This will be a complete black. Any other color combined into this, will put the Pug into the color category of Parti-color

  • Fawn: This is the most common color of a Pug.  In the United States, current stats of registered Pug dogs show the percentage of fawn Pugs are 44%.

  • Silver:  The color that is most rare. Because of breeding throughout generations, this color is hard to find, especially in the USA.  This is what can be described as a shiny white.

  • Parti-Color: This will be fawn, black or silver, along with another color mixed or patched in

  • Markings:  There are 2 types of markings. A color marking, such as mentioned above will cause a Pug to be parti-color.  The other marking has been bred into the bloodline for centuries.  A darker area on the forehead known as a Diamond or Thumb print.  This is an expected feature. Read More
    46% of Pug dog owners listed house training as the biggest hurdle they needed to overcome in regard to owning their Pug.

    While it takes a bit of time and consistency, training does not need to be a stressful time.  Following simple guidelines will ensure successful training.

    What is special about a Pug dog?  A whole list of things!  This dog is not only unique because of how it looks, but for its personality as well.  If you are an owner or potential owner, take a look at the detailed information regarding behavior.

    Breed Group:
    AKC Toy

    Height, Male Pugs:    12-14 inches (30-36 cm)

  • Height, Female Pugs: 10-12 inches (25-30 cm)
    Weight, Male Pugs: 13-20 pounds (6-9 kg)
    Weight, Female Pugs: 13-18 pounds (6-8 kg)
    This is the largest of all of the toy breed
    dogs. Although normal top weight is 18 pounds, this can be exceeded.  Be sure you are
    following proper feeding guidelines if he or she is
    under or overweight.

    Life Expectancy: 12-15 years
    Alternate Name: Chinese Pug
    Origin: Asia
    Date of Origin: 400 BC
    Purpose: Indoor Companion d

  • It would certainly be easy to groom a Pug dog if all you had to do was place him in the tub once a week and scrub him down.  There is a bit more to it than that.  Your goal is to maintain appearance and health.  Several areas will need the most attention. Using human shampoo and not offering enough baths are the 2 biggest grooming mistakes. Special attention must be shown to:

  • Facial Folds of the face
    the eye ar

  • Mouth area

  • quinta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2010

    Pug Parent Celebrities and their pugs/Pugs & Celebridades

    Não era uma raça muita conhecida no Brasil até começar a aparecer em novelas e revistas de celebridades. Hoje, a procura por um exemplar da raça é grande, mas ainda existem poucos criadores o que torna o filhote bem caro.
    Entre os filmes de sucesso que contam com a participação de cachorros de raça Pug, estão: Diário de uma Babá, King Kong, Maria Antonieta, Garfield, o filme,Milo e Otis, 102 Dálmatas e Aventura de Chatran,Homens de Preto 1 &2.,Hotem bom pra cachorro...

  • Balthazar Getty with canine friends Ajax and Daisy.

  • Billy Joel owned by Sabrina (fawn-colored pug) –(You'll see others say Billy has a black pug named Fionula / Finoula / Fionoula but Fionoula is a Boston Bull Terrier, at least according to the above source and picture. This article is one among many that says Fionoula is a pug…)

  • Brigid Berlin (close friend of Andy Warhol) is owned by a couple of pugs that she lovingly refers to as her "children", India and Africa. (References were found to Andy Warhol owning pugs, but not sure that he did…)

  • Dennis Quaid (actor) and his precious pug (Pudgy?)

  • Duke and Duchess of Windsor (former – Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson) spoiled 4 pugs, including one supposedly named Davy Crockett.

  • Gerard Butler (actor) with the leading lady in his life Lolita, the pug. Gerard even had to defend his girl from harm, according to this article ('course he probably should've had her on a leash).

  • Jessica Alba owned by pugs Sid (or Syd?) and Nancy

  • Josephine Bonaparte (Empress – Napoleon's wife) and her pug Fortune, which supposedly once bit Napoleon on the leg for crowding him in bed.

  • Kelly Osbourne and her pug, Prudence

  • Lili Taylor devoted to a black pug dog named Gulliver, who she supposedly found on the side of the road in upstate New York.

  • Mackenzie Phillips (actress) owned by Max the "Chinese" Pug

  • Paula Abdul owned by Puggy Sue

  • Prince William of Orange (the former stadtholder of The Netherlands – "the Silent of the Netherlands") and his heroic dog Pompey (although it has not been determined for certain that Pompey was really a pug).

  • Queen Victoria (England) was supposedly a great fan of Pugs, fawn ones in particular, and one that was adored by her was named Bully. Also found mention of pugs owned by Queen Victoria named Olga, Pedro, Minka, Fatima and Venus.

  • Rick Springfield (singer/musician) is devoted to his pug Pearl.

  • Tori Spelling owned by pug Mimi La Rue (Update: Mimi LaRue passed away in June of 2008. Our sincere condolences for your loss, Tori and family.)

  • Valentino (famous fashion designer) owned by Maggie and Mollie

  • Finally, to make Pugs even more famous…
    Delaware has an open bill to make the Pug the official dog of the State of Delaware.
  • segunda-feira, 11 de outubro de 2010
    Temperament: Pugs are friendly, playful dogs with wonderful temperaments. They are natural clowns and will keep you entertained.

    Você já assistiu ao filme – Homens de Preto? Quem viu conhece o famoso e pequeno cão falante que apronta todas e é um grande companheiro dos heróis da trama. O Pug (raça do pequeno) se caracteriza fisicamente por ser baixinho, de cara achatada, olhos saltados, cauda enroscada, latido rouco e sons esquisitos.

    Uma raça antiga de origem chinesa, que de acordo com a história foi levado à Holanda por volta do século XVI pela Companhia Mercante de Navegação Holandesa. Na Europa tornou-se um cão de luxo, era considerado um símbolo de riqueza e ostentação e estava presente em diversos palácios e cortes. Espalhou-se pelo mundo e chegou ao Brasil há pouco tempo, mas já faz o maior sucesso.

    Com um temperamento tranqüilo é considerado um cão de companhia carinhoso, sensível e meigo. São ótimos companheiros para crianças e pessoas de todas as idades, inclusive idosos, pois estão sempre de bom humor, simpáticos e bem dispostos. É manso e calmo e' otimo com criancas. O pug é extremamente sociável, se enquadra e adapta a e rapidamente ambientes e pessoas estranhas. É fiel ao dono e se bobear vira uma sombra, seguindo o dono para todo o lado até mesmo sem ser convidado.

    O pug não precisa de muito espaço nem muito exercício, seu porte pequeno e seu focinho achatado limitam sua resistência e respiração, passeios curtos são suficientes para mantê-lo em forma. Como é compacto costuma se adaptar bem em ambientes como apartamentos e como late pouco não incomoda os vizinhos, seu latido é rouco, baixo e não costuma ser insistente. Sua característica barulhenta é o ronco, o pequeno costuma roncar muito enquanto dorme.

    Se você está procurando um bichinho de estimação como o Pug é bom saber que ele é um animal que não gosta de ficar sozinho e necessita de alguns cuidados especiais .
    Nao tem como nao se apaixonar por esse caozinho.